Directions to Hotel Giles - Comfort TX Hill Country
Find Hotel Giles using our Custom Google Map or use the directions below.
From Austin
Leave the city on Highway 290 West. In Henly, take a left onto Highway 165 West. In Blanco, take a left onto Highway 281 South. Take a right onto Highway 473 West and follow that road into Comfort. Once in Comfort, take a left onto 6th St (which is the first left after crossing over Business Rd 87). Follow 6th St. for two blocks and take a left onto High St. Hotel Giles is 1 ½ blocks away, on your right. (About a 90-minute drive from the city center)
From San Antonio
Follow I-10 West; Take exit 524 (Comfort exit). Proceed straight ahead from the exit and stay to the left when the road forks. Take a left on 8th St, then the first right onto High St. Hotel Giles is the fourth building on the left. (About a 45-minute drive from the city center)
GPS Location
Latitude: 29.966536 Longitude: -98.907258
Free ample parking is available on High Street in front of the hotel or any side streets.
Check-in / Check-out
We provide no stress check-in/out: Go straight to your room after 3:00 PM and enjoy! No need to check out, just be out of your room by 11:00 AM. A late check-out fee of $25.00 will be charged to your credit card on file to allow for a 1:00 p.m. check out.